serge benhayon net worth

Despite Serge Benhayons weird and harmful ideas, his disciples blindly trust his every word. The ACNC also did nothing. I remember the part in the Bible where Jesus took his disciples children before the magistrate to get all of the shekels of a recently deceased disciple its a parable Proverbs 1011. This vigour for living a true life as well what if I could celebrate myself and all I am? I need to just clarify a few items, but I will be using a defence that allows me to air ALL of Benhayons dishonesty in court. unbelievable that UM can feel so entitled.. my friends believe serge is the real thing. Lets hope it makes it to print. So, what has occurred? This is about lowlife people who prey on people In Australia Serge bought a property for the student body so that he could secure it. She glanced my way, perhaps wondering if I was the evil villain the cult loves to hate, then went back to her 1000 yard stare. Its not worth reading what the members have to say. Yet shes paid a high price for her crusade. JUST OUTRIGHT UGLY GREED. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); "The marriage of Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine will be the greatest union that will serve humanity" ~ Serge Benhayon (on record Feb 2012). Mid2014, I blogged about Universal Medicine preying on cancer patients, with medical professionals GP, Dr Jane Barker,and nurses Sharon Gavioli et al, running Breast Cancer Care cult recruitment retreats. EDG notes taken by Elizabeth Dolan, September 18, 2011, p.4. Is the world ready for this simple truth? TheCharity Commission put conditions on any lease of Benhayons property by the College so that he wouldnt profit from the charity if it folded. He doesnot see his work as roles or titles that he must play or be identified by; in fact, it is the opposite, for him, as. If UMers cant see this is a massive abuse of power & travesty of justice, they are in deep denial with no conscience. NO TRUTH I saw Serge in early August before the second surgery. They cant. Now Im very busy, so dont get upset if Im too busy to respond to messages etc. Christoph Schnell was her financial advisor (remember the recent article about in the cult journal the Northern Star about death planning by Christoph? Most of us get busted for missing a few dollars interest on our tax returns. The Roman Catholic faith definitely had no truck with feeling the depth and beauty of anyone, it was made pretty clear from their religious beliefs that you were a sinner. Serge Benhayon is a remarkable man, who, by his way of living, is carving a way for others to be inspired to claim their extra-ordinariness and shine in their own right. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Yet you damn the innocent It took a few decades to realise that I am in charge of how I want my birthday to be and that I was not the child at the receiving end of other peoples forgetfulness, lack of care, etc. A reminder to readers as to why they did nothing. WebAbout Serge Benhayon. They started doing all the courses, and I went to the first level one healing workshop, but even then, I did have a few doubts., He would say things like, If a man orgasms inside a woman, that woman is taking on his bad energy. It's very toxic to the relationship.. WebUniversal Medicine, Goonellabah. that fails a simple logic test). Sarah said the judgment is devastating., We are incredibly disappointed by the decision, she said. Why do others think he is so wonderful? Disabled dependents missed out in favour of a multi-millionaire predator. Why didnt Judith donate to the charity? and ' E V E R Y T H I N G I S E N E R G Y ' ~ ALBERT EINSTEIN ' I F E V E R Y T H I N G I S E N E R G Y , W H I C H I T I S T H E N Remarkably, Serge Benhayon professes an intimate knowledge of alien physiology. Perhaps the college is defunct. She wrote of unqualified Serge Benhayon providing her with healings and counselling free of charge while she underwent radiotherapyin Lismore. If we have disease, then there has to be an energy that caused that disease. My deepest condolences to the family. We pointed it out to the HCCC quite a few times, and they declined to do anything, because they actually have no power to do anything unless someone brings in a corpse. Update2: also reported in AustraliasDaily Telegraph and Daily Mail (Australia & UK)and New York Times. He is warm, deeply engaging and interested in everyone he meets; he is a great friend and a great The email read: Your children are trying to destabilise you, trying to evoke your sympathy. Continue reading Breaking the Cycle of Abuse , Healing usually comes with the notion of fixing something that needs to be fixed. Hey anonymous, not sure where you read that about Jesus, but it isnt in the Bible. That is- clearly- what Universal Medicine is really all about. If you leave a Will to Unimed and you put a lineal condition that it be used to fund those who cant afford the courses then that is pranic- putting a lineal condition on a spherical nature, not trusting people will know how to best use it. In law, it who has the most money, talks the loudest, and can out maneuver the best. I felt during these times that there was a constant striving to attain things and academic qualifications to get on in life. New International Version most accurate & easy to read, Message version even easier & a delight). If it was a registered health professional, theyd be disbarred. Its a terrible time of year to have a birthday, a family member said one day whilst on the subject of going through the timing of birthdays and where everyone in the family fitted in. Eventually the relationship broke down, and Sarah left, taking their two children with her. he took plus interest to this ladies children. One devotee is heard in a video: It can be shared that spirits have a mid-grey coloured body, long thin fingers. Esther eventually lost her home and was forced into bankruptcy. Sarah Davis may get cross if they do! The two women lived together, with MsLangenbruch acting as her carer, from October 2013until her death. Airheaded it might be, but thats some powerful PR. When I can, I go to our local park, which is a bus ride away, and the feeling of being in green space brings me a lot of joy. Generally and this applies to Serge, the messiah. I acutely felt disgraced, disregarded, disconnected and appalled by the lovelessness in the world. Then looking at my own experience of having a birthday at the end of the year, I felt a similar feeling of missing out. The property Serge bought is beautiful. Well spotted. A quote translated from the Chinese article. It was a small courtroom, with little more than a dozen observers half a dozen being team Sergio, including Anne McRitchie (charity director), Alison Greig and some skinny tosser dressed like bogan yakuza circa 1985 who kept trying to give me and the Fairfax journo the evil eye. Founder of Universal Medicine since 1999, Serge Benhayon is a renowned presenter, practitioner, principal trainer and founder of a series of therapies complementary to medicine, as well as the author of 9 books to date. From developing a belief that caring for others causes disease, its onlyone step to believing that leaving them money in your will is harmful encouraging them to stray from Benhayons oppressive Way of the Livingness,causing them physical and supernatural harm. Yes, anon, was she a student, client or patient? The world is now a witness to the truth of just how evil you are and global close scrutiny will follow Your attempts at silencing does not include the public courtroom Teachings that love has no emotion in it, and that women can harmtheir babies with the emotional energy in their breastmilk. It lacked true purpose and I didnt enjoy the idea of my life being all about satisfying my needs. Or they boycott institutional churches to meet in homes or nature). @EstherRockett sounds like that woman swerved from fad religion to fad religion. In one recording, Benhayon states: Youve become involved with sport, which women should never be, because the right ovary becomes more powerful than the left. Because everything is energy, the way you have been living energetically has allowed your body to operate with an ill energy that then manifests the ills you physically, physiologically, emotionally and psychologically will have. Give over your life and your money. Maybe Serge thought you would be shut down and shut up before all of this came out. Paedophiles and rapists The experience of abuse led me to behave in loveless ways. I reiterated that spirituality, in my opinion, should not rest on money.. If they did a property title search theyd come up with over a dozen properties owned by the Benhayons. Again, he gave me support through counselling and acupuncture and taught me to rest deeply as I went into my chemo sessions, fully choosing to be there since I had decided that I would have it. (?????). Robins wife Anita became a convert to Serge Benhayons teachings several years ago. Benhayon manages to manipulate the media to use his language, but UMers are customers who think theyre students and investors. ie- ticking boxes. These malevolent alien beings are poised to strike at any time, but earthlings are at even greater risk when they drink alcohol. There was an emptiness in this. Esoteric Women's Health Why the obsession with this? And remember when Buddha sitting under the bodhi tree decided that he needed to raise millions of rupees from his followers he said come on to me and pass all your worldly goods for it will make you incarnate better in the next life but do not worship me because I am a man just like you.. I felt really hurt, because it was really clear that Serge was trying to drive a wedge between mum and her children.. I just dont get it. Benhayon, S.The Way It Is, UniMed Publishing, Goonellabah, 2006, Benhayon, S. Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, UniMed Publishing, Goonellabah, 2011. And given she was Judiths nurse, it doesnt look good. Back in 2005, Esther was feeling stressed and run down, so she booked a healing session with Serge Benhayon at his then home in Goonellabah, just outside Lismore in northern NSW. They wouldnt earn a cent from Serge just the right to a firey next life. She just completely went up in the clouds, Kasha remembers. If not you leave behind a constant drain on kidney energy and an imprint of a pranic emanation stopping others from being in their centre. This certainly was a travesty. Sergio was squirming on the stand at pains to differentiate the charity from the business, and point out he has no relationship to the charity (on paper). For the rest of the year, the facility is hardly used. I am pretty sure that was a parody given that Serge puts himself in that company, and not literal. Englishman Robin Clifford and his daughter Kasha are all too familiar with Universal Medicine. His congregation believes every word. Suffice to say the SLAPP is all about shutting me down so they can get on with the robbing and exploitation unscrutinized. Living True Purpose from my Inner-knowing. It is not possible for them to see what it really is, and the courts piss weak decision will vindicate their dodgy thinking. Theyve signed over millions of dollars to share his wisdom. Serge will say that if you drink alcohol, supernatural entities can invade you, Esther explains. Why are so many devoted to him? WebAbout Serge Benhayon TV. My Birthday: Celebrating ME Instead of Getting Wasted, Dear Chris, i loved this sharing as it is a common occurrence that we register value when others show value and confirmation of us and living life this way means the sand beneath our feet is always shifting and changing destabilising us. Watch Spotlight on Channel 7 and stream it for free on 7plus >>. Only online not in todays Northern Star paper. Not so for Sergio. They think. Birthdays Thats because to the true believers most of them women - Benhayon is The One. If they do not want it then Serge will sell it. (Esoteric Development Group notes, taken by Kathleen Baldwin, September 2008), Undue influence a Universal Medicine cult moneyspinner, Universal Medicines Serge Benhayon to inherit bulk of devotees million-dollar estate, love has no emotion in it, and that women can harmtheir babies with the emotional energy in their breastmilk, ArchivedEsoteric Breast Massage site erased in 2012, false and misleading parliamentary inquiry submission, Testimonial from Judith (end of document p.46 of 49), Meeting Serge Benhayon A Meeting on the Edge of Eternity,,, Universal Medicine's sexual abuse apologism hits a crescendo, Undue influence - a Universal Medicine cult money spinner. I think he creates doubt. It is not for him. Because he was pushy I said, Oh, all right, and so he did put his hands on my lower abdomen, only a matter of centimetres above the pubic area., The first thing he said was, When you were five years old, a man in your life let you down. He kept going with those sort of statements up into my teenage years, where he said, A man in your life tortured you., I walked out thinking, This guy's a predator.. Good medical practice involves: 8.12.1 Not exploiting patients vulnerability or lack of medical knowledge when providing or recommending treatment or services. McIntyre is to recognize Benhayon in 2011, when she was just diagnosed with breast cancer, and she soon became an avid donor. If you drink alcohol and then hold a baby, the baby can be raped by the entity that's in you. in Aktuality. Why is there so much charm? Im sorry to say that the familys legal team opted to spend less time in court and simply did not bring the evidence and did not cross examine Sergio the parasite anywhere near enough for the judge to be able to make a determination on his Esoteric integrity. It is worth investing it. Property searches by the ABC show Mr Benhayon and his family have bought or sold 23 properties worth $11.4 million since he founded Universal Medicine, many of them owned jointly with followers. UM boasts 700 followers, including doctors, academics and lawyers. This article contains external content that failed to load. (LogOut/ Ive not had time to stay abreast of everything. Thank you. He probably thinks it is because he is a master from another plane. Courts dont tolerate spherical answers to direct questions so this was very useful to observe. Critics and breastfeeding mothers, dairy products and tampons The possibility of seeing anything but the jaundiced Esoteric slant onher past and her past connections, or making decisions that didnt align withthose of her carers was essentially smothered. WebAkce tdne. What have I done? Death is always a healing and not part of the failure. If you believed in decency and respect you would never take anyone elses inheritance. But when the jury returned late last year, it delivered the organisation a crushing blow. Even the smaller papers who picked up the story from the wire largely reported the same thing. UniMed needs anonomous (sic) gifts of investment for this new property to get up and running. Universal Medicine wields extraordinary power over its flock. Probably very little as theyll be hoping for campaign contributions. This group is so dangerous that these people had to be exposed., Reporter: Matt Doran | Producer: Stephen Rice. She was a client and a cultist. If you love your children with and from emotional love, you are just passing down to another generation a form of love that has not ever worked. As the day came, I woke with the feeling that I was the gift to share on my birthday. That was the basis of our complaint to the ACNC. Her family were getting more and more involved with the group, Matt explains. I have just read the UM justification for Serge vulturing on the McIntyre family tradgedy and inheritance claims. Benhayon has also surrounded himself with professionals health professionals, including five medical specialists and a half dozen or so psychologists; four lawyers, teachers, chartered accountants, media professionals, Eric Walsh, the dropkick cult cop lol, social workers, child safety workers and wealthy sycophants like Rob and Deborah Wild, Neil and Jean Gamble and Michael and Tricia Nicholson. Story says it was posted at 3 AM too late for todays print run. The truth is all so esoteric! Sarah, a neuroscientist, was immediately concerned. Conveniently, one of Benhayons strictest teachings is that bequests by parents to their children will harm both them and their kids in their next life. I only met the guy once and he ran shivers down my spine. If a registered doctor or practitioner took $800,000 from their patient shortly before dying, and also changed their will at the same time so that they also became the largest benefactor, what would happen to that practitioner? Its a business. The call must come from the students. No robes and sandals at Serges place. Why are so many Australians devoted to him? What no one thought to ask was how much he rakes infrom donations and bequests. The jury found that Universal Medicine was a socially harmful cult; that Benhayon was a charlatan who made fraudulent healing claims; that hed indecently touched clients; and that he had an indecent interest in girls as young as 10 who stayed in his house. Of the thousands of people who have given money to Serge Benhayon, few have been as fragile or as vulnerable as wealthy widow Judith McIntyre. As I am sure this trial will be the final sword to put a stop to your narcissistic madness. serge benhayon net worth In just a few short years, Serge Benhayon has gone from bankrupt tennis coach to living god, with a sprawling property on the NSW North Coast, paid for by some Self Worth & Acceptance (67) Vitality & Joy (24) RELATIONSHIPS (106) Couples, Sex & Making Love (36) Family & Parenting (28) Friendships | Connection WebSerge Benhayon confirms revenue from Universal Medicine provides a living for the whole of the extended Benhayon family. The group got together to ensure it happened. blue circle around profile picture on imessage, university of southern maine swimming pool, return of divine emperor wiki, Infrom donations and bequests ( sic ) gifts of investment for this new property to up. 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